Sketching mindfully is a great way of supporting your wellbeing. It teaches you to look, helping you to see so much more and enhancing your enjoyment of the visual world.

These free series of 6 sketching workshops led by artists Peter and Jenni, both of whom have bipolar, are normally held twice per year, once in the Spring and once in the Autumn.
The Autumn series takes place at the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh each Friday from 2pm-4pm, starting in late October.
The Museum provides a light and airy space packed with treasure just waiting to be drawn! Each session concludes in the café where we can share our work and chat together over a cup of tea.
A sketching starter pack including colours, brush, pen and sketchbook are provided to all.
These sessions are very relaxed and supportive, with the focus on enjoying the process of looking and drawing.
“It has been a wonderful experience- the sketching and watercolour ‘washes’ as well as the chance to speak to fellows about our lives with bipolar”
- previous participant
For dates of the next series, please look for announcements in our monthly newsletter: