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Bipolar Overspending & Debt

The risks of overspending and making rash purchase decisions are very high when we are manic and hypomanic through bipolar.

Worried man with money escaping from his wallet.

We asked three questions of those attending our July meeting. Here's a summary of people's answers:

1.What situations have a high risk of overspending when your mood is elevated?

Klarna makes it hard to keep track

Sales patter in shops is easier to fall for when impulsive

eBay - bidding for things when high

Cheap online stores like Alibaba

Buying rounds of drinks/shots

Small impulse purchases

Serious bankruptcy issues

Parking tickets

Credit card spending

Being overly/disproportionately generous, showing generosity of spirit


Learning difficulties e.g. difficulties adding or subtracting can make things more difficult on top of bipolar

2.Do you have any action plans to avoid or minimise overspending?

24/48 hour rule - wait before buying online

Spreadsheet to track money in/out

Decreasing credit limits

Having a bank balance you don't allow yourself to go below

Keeping some savings in another currency

Not using credit cards

Using wishlists rather than immediately buying online

Having 2 bank accounts - one for bills, one for spending

Giving your partner access to your accounts (providing there is trust/no risk of abuse)

Using physical cash

Literally freezing your credit card in a block of ice in the freezer

Trying to think about the consequences of spending/exercising willpower where we can

Removing card details from online stores

Keeping a 'buffer' amount in your account

Requiring credit card to be manually, rather than automatically approved

Seeking help from the bank (banks are getting better at being more empathetic when mental health is involved)

Notifications on banking apps (e.g. to tell you you've gone below a certain amount)

Power of attorney

Apple pay settings (showing you your balance before you pay for something).

3.Do you know any reputable resources for advice & information on dealing with debt?

Take care with some debt consolidation services as they often charge a commission up-front.

Bankruptcy proceedings if needed

Help from banks

For a list of resources, please see the resources section of our website:

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