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Latest news...

Research Opportunity for Parents with Bipolar Disorder.
PEACH-BD study: Request for participants Parents' Experiences of Helping Their Anxious Children in the context of Bipolar Disorder....

Policing and Mental Health Review.
Advocard want to make sure that our voices are heard during a forthcoming review into 'mental health related policing services'.

Research Opportunity: needs of Older Adults with Bipolar Disorder.
Your opportunity to help by participating in this study which aims to better understand the changing care needs of older adults with bipolar

quiz nights
The ever-popular (but not too competitive or serious!) quiz-nights are held throughout the year. When you'd rather stay in on a Saturday...

Bipolar group cuppa & chat
The bipolar group cuppa & chat is a great way to enjoy each other's company and connect with the bipolar community.

Lothian Bipolar Group | ages 18-30 peer support.
Our monthly Zoom meeting for those affected by bipolar between the ages of 18 and 30. Our regular meetings for the 18-30 group are on a...

swim, gym and coffee
Join group members for a swim or use the gym at one of the many Edinburgh Leisure Centres throughout the City and enjoy a cuppa and a...

Lothian Bipolar Group | Carers support group.
We are an on-line group offering a safe and confidential space for carers who face challenges living with someone with bipolar disorder.
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