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Counselling, therapy & psychiatry

Find counselling and therapy services, both online and in-person and private psychiatry services in Edinburgh.

iThrive | Free and low cost counselling in Edinburgh

iThrive | Free and low cost counselling in Edinburgh

Here you can find a wide range of free and low-cost counselling available in Edinburgh. We have listed services that are in-person, over the phone, and online via video calls and email.

Edinburgh Adult Psychiatry | private treatment for mood disorders.

Edinburgh Adult Psychiatry | private treatment for mood disorders.

Dr John Ferguson, MBChB BsCMed Sci (neuroscience) MRCPsych has consulted privately since 2009 and specialises in mood disorders.

BACP | British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy

BACP | British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy

Find a registered therapist. See how therapy can help. Find out what happens in therapy. Read advice articles and client stories. Get confidential guidance.

NHS 24 | Living Life

NHS 24 | Living Life

The Living Life service offers support to people in Scotland through cognitive behavioural therapy.

COSCA | Counselling & Psychotherapy in Scotland.

COSCA | Counselling & Psychotherapy in Scotland.

Search the COSCA Register of Counsellors and Psychotherapists, accredited by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care.

Living Life to the Full | free online CBT courses covering low mood, stress and resilience.

Living Life to the Full | free online CBT courses covering low mood, stress and resilience.

Our self-help resources help people tackle depression, low mood and stress or anxiety at every stage in life.

Counselling Directory

Counselling Directory

A commercially-run online directory of counsellors and therapists.

Relationships Scotland | Counselling, mediation and family support

Relationships Scotland | Counselling, mediation and family support

We're Scotland's largest provider of relationship counselling, family mediation and child contact centre services.

Hub for Metabolic Psychiatry

Hub for Metabolic Psychiatry

Edinburgh University's Hub for Metabolic Psychiatry is working at the interface of mental and physical health by looking at how metabolism affects bipolar and other conditions. Home of the ketogenic diet for bipolar trial.

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